Each of the joints represents a degree of freedom in the manipulator system and allows translation and rotary motion.Īrticulation: Describes a jointed device, such as a jointed manipulator. See Manipulator, End-Effector and Wrist.Īrticulated Manipulator: A manipulator with an arm that is broken into sections (links) by one or more joints. The arm itself does not include the end-effector. Costs are kept at a minimum, making the process used in a broad range.Īrc Welding Robot: Refers to an automated welding process performed by an industrial robot to create an electric arc between an electrode and a base material to melt the metals at the welding point.Īrm: An interconnected set of links and powered joints comprising a robot manipulator that supports and/or moves a wrist and hand or end-effector through space. The place on the metal to be weld is melted. The program can be personalized by the owner to fit specific designs.Īrc Welding: A type of welding that uses direct or alternating current to supply power from an electrode to the metal, creating an electrical arc. The actuator responds to a signal received from the control system.Īlgorithm: A list of steps used to find a solution to a given problem.Īnalytical Methods: A mathematical way to solve problems without repetitive attempts to approximate an answer.Īpplication Program: A sequence of steps that specifies what jobs the robots will perform. Note that this will not be exactly the same as the demand position due to a multitude of un-sensed errors (such as link deflection, transmission irregularity, tolerances in link lengths, etc.).Īctuator: A power mechanism used to effect motion, or maintain position of the robot, by conversion of different energy types, such as electrical or mechanical processes, using liquid or air (for example, a motor which converts electrical energy to effect motion of the robot). The induced motion modification is slight, but sufficient to facilitate the completion of a desired task.Īctual Position: The position or location of the tool control point. Accuracy is not constant over the workspace, due to the effect of link kinematics.Īctive Compliant Robot: An active compliant robot is one in which motion modification during the performance of a task is initiated by the control system. Accuracy is normally worse than the arm’s repeatability. Accuracy is the measurement of the deviation between the command characteristic and the attained characteristic, or the precision with which a computed or calculated robot position can be attained.

Refer to position level and velocity level.Īccuracy: A measure of a robot’s capability to repeat the same task multiple times without changing the closeness to a certain point. Double and single differentiation of this level gives the overall change in position and change in position overtime, respectively. Acceleration Level: The measure of variation of joint speeds over time.