Cinemagraph pro cannot be opened because of a problem.
Cinemagraph pro cannot be opened because of a problem.

cinemagraph pro cannot be opened because of a problem.

In the same FILTER menu, select “CAMERA RAW Filter” and start editing. Once you have loaded the video into photoshop, go to the FILTER menu and select “CONVERT FOR SMART FILTERS” this will allow you to edit the video using the many features of camera raw. You could also make your entire cinemagraph in photoshop but I have also found that creating the final cinemagraph in Cinemagraph Pro and uploading to Flixel’s Cloud Server produces a higher quality image that can be used on blogs without compromising the quality. While Cinemagraph Pro is entirely capable of handling basic edits, photoshop does a much better job of making the video look good. Once you have your footage, you should to prep it before putting it into Flixel’s Cinemagraph Pro. You may want to shoot from a few different angles at the same location to see if there is a better shot still waiting for you. You will not need to use all of the footage for your cinemagraph but you are looking for a sweet spot that combines all of the elements well and helps create that illusion. Usually, I shoot between 15 to 30 seconds of video to achieve the results that I am looking for. For this tutorial, will will just focus on the video. One way to get around this is to make a timelapse cinemagraph. Normally for still photography you want to shoot with a smaller aperture to keep the scene sharp across the frame, but I found that for video it makes it quite dark. I found that for shooting landscapes that this works well. I use the aperture to control the light in the scene. Normally, when I am shooting for a cinemagraph I set my camera to aperture priority and then turn on the video. So, you must have everything locked down. Even the tiniest movement destroys that illusion. The reason is that you are creating an illusion of sorts. For other types of photography, you may get away without one, but you certainly need to use one. Whenever you are shooting a cinemagraph, you MUST use a tripod. This will produce a flicker in your cinemagraph. The reason is that this tutorial will use video as it’s primary source for images and with video it will adapt instantly to the changing light conditions.

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When choosing what to shoot, you must make sure that your chosen subject of location has consistent light. Find subjects that have subtle movement, like grass blowing on a mountain meadow and use that to create an illusion of a living photo. However, you need to take that and apply it to other areas of photography.

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That is the essence of a cinemagraph, right there. You’ve seen the shots where you have a person frozen with just their hair blowing in the wind. The trick is to also find something that is stationary to anchor the frame. Traffic and other subjects with a bit of flow can also be great subjects for cinemagraphs. Water is always a great source to start with as it is relatively consistent and repetitive. You want to find subjects that have a consistent or repetitive movement. Choosing a subjectĬinemagraphs are all about movement and creating an illusion. Of course, you can use their mobile apps but I find that this way produces a better result.


I am using the mac version because when you combine it with the power of a DSLR, it achieve a high quality cinemagraph. For this tutorial, I am going to take you through the steps to make a very basic cinemagraph using Flixel’s Cinemagraph Pro for Mac.

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