Then installing is completed, the downloading application is comes into bluestacks icon.When the downloading is completed, then it ready for installing double click it.Now its take 2-3 minutes for downloading.Now you can shows there are number of same apps select proper and click that.

Then open Google Play Store and enter Zapya File Transfer App in the bluestack search box and hit that.After downloading is completed, then install bluestacks in your PC.You can download this software on some particular official internet site link. First, you have to download one Software Application which is called BlueStacks App Player to use Zapya File Transfer.Install Zapya File Transfer For PC Windows 7/10/XP/8.1/8/Vista & Mac Computer 32 bit & 64 bit Free Using BlueStacks App Player
Now lets follow the below simple steps on how to install Zapya File Transfer For PC Windows 7/10/XP/8.1/8/Vista & Mac Computer OS Free Using Bluestacks Android Emulator. Both the method is helps to use Zapya File Transfer App on your PC Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows XP, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Vista & Mac Computer Free OS. The first method using BlueStacks Android Emulatorand Second one is using Nox Player Android Emulator. In this article, I will show you two different ways to use Zapya File Transfer on your PC Windows 7/10/XP/8.1/8/Vista & Mac Computer 32 bit & 64 bit Free OS devices. Zapya App is still not available for PC Windows 7/10/xp/8/8.1/vista & Mac Computer Free OS devices. You can transfer files like photos, documents, pdf, apps, games very fast using Zapya File Transfer App. This application was developed by DewMobile incorporated comapny. Zapya is a free file transfer application.