Players wearing Power Armor will also have their Strength automatically increased to 11 on their Stat sheet, although this will not allow you to slot more Perk Cards. This can be increased by taking the Perk Power User once you reach Level 50. Estimations range from about 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on gameplay. The exact amount of time that you can operate Power Armor on one Fusion Core is not currently known, but their power is consumed faster by Sprinting and moving about. You can find Fusion Cores in other suits of Power Armor, you can find them in Fusion Core Generators, or you can Craft them. This means that you need a steady supply of Fusion Cores so that you can continue to operate your Power Armor. In addition, each Power Armor uses a Fusion Core to Power it, and cannot run without one.

There is no requirement to use the Chasis, so you can remove Armor from it and then just wear it. This means that you cannot add actual “Armor” to the Chasis until minimally Level 15, as that is the lowest level you can use Raider Power Armor (which is the lowest level Power Armor). Any player can use the Chasis, but the rest of the pieces are level locked to the specific type of Power Armor it is. Power Armor is made up of 7 pieces: the Chasis, Torso, Helmet, Left Arm, Right Arm, Right Leg, and Left Leg. The fun begins when you first find your first set of Power Armor in Fallout 76, and you have to figure out how it “works”. Many of the bonuses you gain from these Stats are just nice to have on any character. Whereas many Builds benefit from the Stats they select, Power Armor Builds really do not, at least not in a direct manner.

Strength will increase your Melee Damage if you use Melee Weapons, but the only reason these are the Stats you need is because of the Perks you gain by selecting them, which isn’t ideal. Unfortunately none of these Stats, with the exception of Strength, really benefits a Power Armor Build in any direct way. Luck: Looted Item Min/Max Condition Increased per rank / V.A.T.S Critical gain per attack +1.5 per rank This Power Armor Build Guide is all about optimizing your setup if you plan to use Power Armor on the regular. Power Armor provides absurd amounts of Damage and Energy Resistance, making you nigh unkillable while wearing it. Power Armor Builds focus on using Heavy Guns to deal massive damage to their enemies, while remaining safely protected in their suite of Power Armor. Fallout 76 Power Armor Build Guide (Heavy Gunner) A level 50 Build Guide is great, but if you can’t use it until level 50, then it doesn’t have much use along the way. The reason for this is that you often don’t get the exact Perk Cards that you need as you Level Up. Please keep in mind while reading this that you will be unlikely to create this exact Build, and that this should be what you are, more or less, working towards. This means we’ll show you the Stats, Perks, Weapons and Armor that you’ll need in order to pull off a successful Power Armor Build.

In this Fallout 76 Power Armor Build Guide, we’ll be showing you the basics.